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“[The] musicians were individually and collectively superb and finely balanced under the expert baton of Michael C. Haigler.”

- Voce di meche

(Albert Herring, Bronx Opera, January 2015) 

P E R F O R M A N C E  highlights
Current and Upcoming
P E R F O R M A N C E S  and Events

Lincoln Center Messiah Sing-In (Guest Conductor)

Wednesday, December 19, 2019 at 7:30pm

David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center (NYC)

Mr. Haigler is honored to represent the Hudson Valley Chorale and Christ Church Oyster Bay as a guest conductor in the National Chorale's 51st Annual Messiah Sing-In.

St. Augustine of Canterbury, London, England (organist)

Sundays, August 4, 11, and 18 (2019)

Mr. Haigler is honored to be the guest organist at St. Augustine in Highgate, an historic church in north London.

New York Symphonic Arts Ensemble (Guest Conductor)

Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 3pm

Julia Richmond Auditorium, 317 E. 67th Street, Manhattan

Beethoven: Egmont Overture, and Symphony No. 8

Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto (Katie Lansdale, violin)

St. Thomas Boys Choir (Conductor)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 6pm

Christ Church welcomes Daniel Hyde and the St. Thomas Choir School in Manhattan for a very special concert, culminating in a performance by both church's choirs, conducted by Mr. Haigler.

14th Annual Spring Gala Concert (Conductor)

Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 4pm - Christ Church , Oyster Bay

"Songs of the Moon at Pentecost"

(honoring 50th anniverasry of the moon landings)

Brahms: Die Mainacht

Bach: Cantata No. 34

Christ Church Festival Orchestra and Adult Choir

Point Counterpoint Adult Piano Workshop (co-Director)

Friday, September 6, 2019 at 7pm (Brandon, Vermont)

In the Inaugural seasons of PCP's Adult Piano Workshop, Mr. Haigler performs Ravel's Ondine at the faculty recital, and collaborative works with fellow faculty members Arielle Levioff and Diana Fanning.

Other Recent Notable

Hudson Valley Chorale (Conductor/Artistic Director)

Sunday, January 21, 2018 - A Bernstein Spectacular!

Celebrating Leonard Bernstein's 100th birthday, including Chichester Psalms, and highlights from West Side Story, Candide, and On the Town, and many others!  (Tickets at door)


AAGO Honor's Recital (Organist)

Sunday, April 29 at 3pm - Garden City Community Church

A Recital of Associates of the AGO (including organ virtuoso Chelsea Chen), Mr. Haigler will play music of Bach and American composer Emma Louise Ashford.

13th Annual Spring Gala Concert (Conductor)

Sunday, June 3 at 4pm - Christ Church , Oyster Bay

Music of American Composers, including Randall Thompson, Virgil Thomson, and Leonard Bernstein, with the Christ Church Festival Orchestra.


North Shore Music Festival (Chorus Master )

Sunday, July 16 & 22, 2017; Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore (The Elixir of Love)

The 12th Annual Spring Gala (Conductor)

Sunday, June 4, 2017; Schubert's Mass in G and Mozart's "Tantum Ergo"

Hudson Valley Chorale (Artistic Director and Conductor)

Sunday, May 21, 2017  - 10th Anniversary concert; favorites of the HVC

Bronx Opera: Verdi's Falstaff (Chorus Master)

April 29-30; May 6-7, 2017

The Count of Luxembourg and other tales (Conductor)

October 20-29th, 2016; New Camerata Opera


"Hail Gladdening Light": A Poly-Choral Celebration (Conductor)

Sunday, June 5 & 12, 2016 - Christ Church, St. Patrick's, Huntington (NY)

Celebrating ten years of concerts at Christ Church, and five years at St. Patrick's, two churches combine forces for an epic musical celebration.

Schubert's Winterreise  (Pianist, with Robert Frankum)

Sunday, March 15, 2016  Christ Church, Oyster Bay (NY)


Midland Chorale (MI) "Rhythm of your Voice" (Guest Conductor)

Midland Center for the Arts, Midland, Michigan

Sat-Sun March 5-6, 2016

Mozart: Requiem (Guest Conductor)

Thursday, July 9, 2015 with Westchester Chorale

Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro (Chorus Master, Harpsichord)

Britten: Albert Herring (Conductor)

The Bronx Opera Company (2015-2016)

October 26, 2014 at 3pm (Conductor) Video preview here

The Larchmont Symphonia Orchestra (100th anniversary concert)

World Premiere: Tedesco: Larchmont Woods (for violin and orchestra)

Joseph Jongen's Symphonie Concertante for organ and large orchesra

Douglas Kostner, organ  Nicole Sharlow, violin

August 29, 2014 at 7pm (Composer)  Word Premiere

Chase (after Haydn), for the Miller-Porfiris Duo

Point Counterpoint Chamber Music Festival, Brandon, VT


June 8, 2014 (Conductor/Music Director)

Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes; PDQ Bach: Liebeslieder Polkas


April 26, 2014 at 8pm (Conductor)

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4 - N.Y.C. Premiere of LVB's revisions


"Four Hands are Better than Two", Duo recital with Arielle Levioff (Pianist)

Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 12 noon

Merkin Hall/Kaufman Music Center (129 West 67th Street)

Featuring 4-hand and two-piano music of Prokofiev, Mendelssohn, and more!

Click here to reserve tickets.

Big Beethoven Bash -- a 250th Anniversary celebration (Conductor)

Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 4pm at Christ Church, Oyster Bay, NY (61 East Main St.)

Christ Church and the Long Island Choral Society join forces in a concert postponed from 2020, celebrating 250 years since the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven.  The all-Beethoven program features the Choral Fantasy (Dr. Arielle Levioff, piano), Elegiac Song, "Hallelujah" from Mount of Olives, and the word premiere of "Ode to Beethoven", plus highlights from symphonies (5th, 7th, and 2nd), and the Egmont Overture.  Admission is FREE.  A gala reception follows.

Winter Harbor Music Festival, Mozart's Così fan tutte (Conductor)

Thursday-Sunday, August 15-18, 2024 at Hammond Hall (Winter Harbor, Maine)

A complete performance with orchestra.  (Tickets available at the door.)

Click here for more info.

Pianos on the Point Faculty Recital (Pianist)

Friday, September 6, 2024 at 7pm at Point Counterpoint (Brandon, Vermont)

The culmination of this week-long workshop features co-directors Michael C. Haigler and Arielle Levioff partnering with pianist Diana Fanning in an innovative recital of music for 2-, 4-, and 6-hands.  Admission is free.

Long Island Choral Society Concerts 2023-2024 (Conductor/Music Director)

Nov. 5: "East meets West", with Spirit Of Orhodoxy Choir (Yonkers, NY)

Nov. 12: Music of the Spirit (Garden City Community Church)

Dec. 3: Broadway selections and Holiday music (Plainview Library)

Dec. 10: Handel's Messiah (Christ Church, Manhasset, NY)

May 5: Beethoven and Broadway (Garden City Community Church)

June 9: Big Beethoven Bash (with Christ Church, Oyster Bay)

Bronx Opera: Gilbert and Sullivan's Iolanthe (Chorus Master)

May 11, 12, 17, 18 at The Lovinger Theater, Lehman College


Winter Harbor Music Festival, The Marriage of Figaro (Conductor)

August 2023 at Hammond Hall (Winter Harbor, Maine)

A complete performance with orchestra.

Long Island Choral Society Concert, Brahms and Broadway (Conductor)

Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 4pm at Garden City Community Church

Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 7:30pm at St. Rose of Lima (Massapequa, NY)

Celebrating the 190th birthday of Johannes Brahms. (Tickets at the door)

Bronx Opera: Dialogues of the Carmelites (Chorus Master)

Saturday and Sundays, May 6, 13 at 7:30pm, May 7, 14 at 2:30pm

Lovinger Theater at Lehman College, Bronx, NY

Christ Church, Oyster Bay: Festive Evensong (Conductor and Music Director)

Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 4pm

Honoring the Feast of St. Philip and St. James and featuring the Christ Church Adult Choir and special guests in music by Bernard Rose (Preces and Responses), Charles Stanford (Mag and Nunc), and Henry Balfour Gardiner (Evening Hymn).


Long Island Choral Society Concert, Mendelssohn and Remembrance (Conductor)

Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 4pm at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Seaford

Postponed from Veteran's Day due to Covid, this concert celebrates Peace over War, with highlights from Mendelssohn's Elijah, and favorites honoring our Veterans, including "A Salute to the Armed Forces", "God Bless America", and man others.

Bronx Opera: Lady in the Dark, by Kurt Weill (Chorus Master)

Saturday and Sundays, Jan 28, 29 at 7:30pm, Feb 4, 5 at 2:30pm

Lovinger Theater at Lehman College, Bronx, NY



(July, 2022 -- A most important production: Noah Benjamin Haigler Levioff is born!)

Winter Harbor Music Festival, Die Fledermaus (Conductor)

Saturday, December 31 at 7pm at Hammond Hall (Winter Harbor, Maine)

A complete performance with orchestra of the classic opera Die Fledermaus.

Lessons and Carols (Conductor and organist)

Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 4pm at Christ Church Oyster Bay

An annual tradition, Christ Church presents a Festival of Lessons and carols featuring the Adult and Treble Choirs in music of Bach, Philip Ledger, Walford Davies, Herbert Howells.

92nd Street Y Recital (piano, and piano four hands)

Friday, December 12 at 2pm at 92Y Art Gallery

With his wife Dr. Arielle Levioff, Mr. Haigler presents works inspired by childhood in honor of their newborn son Noah Benjamin Haigler Levioff.  Music includes Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream overture, Schumann's Kinderszenen, and Cecile Chaminade's Album des Engants, plus music by J.S.Bach, J.C.F.Bach, and Glinka (all on a 9-foot Steinway Grand).

The Long Island Choral Society: Messiah (Conductor)

Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 4pm at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Seaford

Part 1 and highlights from parts 2 and 3

Christ Church, Oyster Bay: "Windows" Evensong (Conductor and Music Director)

With Special Guest Grayston Ives

Sunday, October 23, 2023 at 4pm

Celebrating the completion of the stained glass window renovation project, with music my Bernard Rose, George Dyson, and the word-premiere of "The Windows" by Grayston Ives.

The Long Island Choral Society Spring Concert (Conductor)

Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 4pm at Garden City Community Church

Haydn's Mass in Time of Trouble, and Handel's Zadok the Priest.

Leipzig, Germany (Pianist) -- POSTPONED due to Covid

January 30, 2022 at Schumann-Haus (Inselstraße 18, 04103 Leipzig)

Program: A Most Musical Marriage: Robert and Clara Schumann

With pianist Dr. Arielle Levioff (Other dates TBA)


The Long Island Choral Society: Messiah (Conductor)

Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 4pm at Christ Church in Manhasset, NY

Part 1 and highlights from parts 2 and 3

Winter Harbor Music Director (Conductor)

August 19-22 (Winter Harbor, Maine); Mozart: The Impresario (with full orchestra)

Point Counterpoint Faculty Recital (Pianist and co-Director)

"Pianos on the Point"

Wednesday September 9, at 7:30pm, Champlain Valley Unitarian Church

Beethoven: Waldstien Sonata; Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream (piano duet)


Bronx Opera (Chorus Master) Lehman College, Bronx
Mozart's Don Giovanni -- January 11, 12, 17, 18 (7:30pm and 2:30pm)

Hudson Valley Chorale (Conductor/Artistic Director)

Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 3pm; Dominican Convent, Sparkill, NY (all American program)

​Feast of the Presentation Evensong (Music Director/organist)

Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 4pm; Christ Church Oyster Bay

Music: Ireland: Mag and Nunc;  Rose: Preces and Responses

A Most Musical Marriage (piano duo, with Arielle Levioff)

Music for 2 and 4 hands by Clara and Robert Schumann  [*=Postponed due to Covid]

 Sunday, March 8 at 12pm -- Christ Church Oyster Bay (LI)

*Friday, March 13 at 2pm -- 92nd Street Y, Art Gallery (NYC)

Winter Harbor Music Director (Conductor)

Pergolesi: La Serva Padrona (a brief comic opera)

Socially distanced, outdoor performance with orchestra

Saturday, August 16 at 6pm at Gouldsboro Town Park

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